plauged by off center image, am I insane?

It distracts me to no end when the image is off center. I'm not talking about early stereo recordings where spacing was spread out unnaturally, but when there is a fairly simple arrangement with vocal that you expect to be dead center in front of you. Some recordings are dead center, and then some are a just a little bit off center. Almost always to the right.

I also notice that whenever there is a featured soloist, if they aren’t centered they are displaced to the right.

I attribute this to the recording, not my system since some are dead center and some are not. I was wondering if I am the only one who has experienced this. I am pretty sure my speakers are set up properly and I’m not partially deaf in one ear.

Do you think it is me, or my system, or the recordings? Maybe the guy who mixed the recording was careless or has a hearing problem.

Showing 1 response by sigmund

I have had the same problem, and to assure my self that I am not loosing it I have done extensive testing. Using a volt meter-the good old Radio shak multimeter-I have found everything to be within 1/100 volt, which equates to less than one db. Therefore I concluded it was one of three things, speakers, recording, or room. I switched the speakers and the imbalance did not follow. I have a hard time believing that every recording is off balance to the same side. Threfore I started looking at room reflections. The imblanace in my system is shifted slightly left of center. One side of the room is a wall, the other a window with coverings. The curious and perhaps concluding things is that the imbalance varied with frequency, type of voice, and volume. All this means reflecitons to me. Still working on it, but it is nice to know that I'm not the only crazy one.