Appreciate your responses. |
Mark, my platter was called TNT 2 when I bought it, it has no lead (that I know of) but does have a cork ring, and the 3 small micro-point adjustment screws. I think I've got the isolation and suspension worked out pretty well and I do have a SAMA and a SDS. Frogman, I just received an email from Mike at VPI and he says as far as he's concerned, he wouldn't listen to anything but the Classic platter. Go figure. He did say that it is larger in diameter so I don't think it will work with my super thick armboard and ET arm. |
Well... years later and much more experience later...
( I can't count on my many fingers, how many times I've read the phrase, "((someone)) at VPI said", ("You have one of the best platters we've ever made.) So, this phrase has little meaning anymore. In fact, it has no meaning because Harry has made SO many changes in such a small time frame,... how in the hell is an end-user suppose to know what they have.. or at the very least, how, what they have sound like, by comparson to what the hell ever that VPI decides to make public???
Since this thread arose, it turns out that upon my experience, Frogman was wrong! He stated the difference between a non-inverted bearing and an inverted bearing will not be the main difference. Wrong, wrong wrong!!!
stringreen:, has the great ability to (glom) on to another's post and somehow, maker it HIS own. Do not be fooled! He is the TRUMP of Audiogon!
I want it to be known, now... that I, in no way, have any relationship or even the slightest inclination of in any way.. a notion of being involved with stringreen's posts!
He/she, a while ago, stated... "get the mag-lev platter". What the #@#%&ck!
stringeen, just because you have under 3700 posts, does not mean that WE aren't listening.
By the way... Now, he/she is promoting the Classic platter. Not too long ago, he/she was promoting the ceramic platter.
stringreen... TELL US, NO, SHOW US your system? I challenge you to come up with an (original) post.
...and don't get me started about YOUR post, asking others on their experience with Clear Day cables then, just two weeks later, recommending them to all of us???
I'm not the only one listening as I read the other day by a poster who asked you why, since you've been a fan of Anti-Cables, you suddenly have a brand new recommendation with-in two weeks of your initial asking all here about, what we assumed to be, an initial inquiry of Clear Day Cable.
If I had the time, I could really make a better case.
Don't put your history of questionable posts onto someone who has the guts to ask you to defend YOUR POSTS?
You asked me, "Slaw, What got into you today"?
I want to know, what has been on to you for quite some time?
Thank you.
Your (innocent) response to my questioning of some of your recent responses is,... "What happened to you today?"
Common' dude, I see through this and so do others how are interested enough.
I LONG for the day that when/if you ever post again on something you feel/have experience with, ( I do want to hear an original post from you that you can explain in detail, your thoughts/listening , that really has an impact on my decision making, regarding my future purchases.) that, people like me, who seek the truth, will no longer have to wonder, what they just read vs. the overwhelming facts that exist elsewhere, that point to another conclusion.
This statement has relevance! Your statement, "What happened to you today?" is really an INSULT to all of us who take this hobby seriously and expect, somewhat of a reasonable response to a reasonable question!
| the way,, I don't read ANYONE coming to your rescue after your long history here?????
You mentioned, above, if I found one of your posts objectionable to, move along, or ignore....
I have a better idea.. How about you post an idea, based upon YOUR experience, and then advise others, based upon that experience, then be able to BACK UP YOUR POSTS, by EXPLAINING in a way that ALL can understand...
(Is this too much to ask?)
Until, you can accomplish this, (basic task), that we all should adhere to, I really find the Question you asked, objectionable. You, my friend, are responsible for your past posts, not me!!!
I don't, as rule, follow others' history here. I'm old school with regards to "taking people to their word". (I find it somewhat disconcerting that you, by your response, seem to put me on the hook as to explaining, (your posts) and how they may be perceived). One other reason, I find this (my time) spent explaining this, objectionable.
What I've noticed, in regards to the threads we have common interest in is this:
(1) You seem to advise in a way that can only be described as neutral, while at the same time, given your history hear,... (others'/new posters may take as gospel.) IE: One factor is your long posting history. Newbies look at this as a somewhat, deciding factor in what they may look to in terms of their (further/ongoing? research. What we post is relevant to these people we are hoping to draw in to this hobby.
(2) You have recently posted in another thread that, I believe, you started, about the basic need for record cleaning... going on to explain why it may not be needed, Then, you posted on a different thread, (in your own way) out-of hand) recommending steaming as way of cleaning lps.
(So, tell me/us, what are we suppose to conclude from YOUR POSTS regarding tis one issue?)
(3) You have a history of chiming in on anything VPI related.
(4) You posted recently, in your normal manner, in this context, get the Mag-level platter. Now, we learn, you haven't heard it. So, tell us all now, Have you heard it, if so, why are you now saying you've never heard it, and, why are you seemingly trying to transfer the responsibilty of your posts, onto me, since I've now called you out on them?
Is this enough to elicit a responsible answer from you?? I hope so.
The word "Dude", was an attempt to draw a closer alignment to our "common cause". You, however, somehow, came up with a way for that term to "divide" us.
It is apparent, from your last post, that you still haven't devised a way, (yet), to extricate yourself from the post/s, (you made), stating that you are an a proponent of the mag-level platter, (YOU WERE THE ONE WHO STATED, "GET THE MAG-LEVEL PLATTER") , and you were a proponent of the ceramic platter. (You did not say, that after talking with Harry, "I'll go along with what he says.)" Anyone with the time could easily find this . The Clear Day cable: Do you really feel that upon the two weeks that saw us reading your initial post, asking about these cables and after the following two weeks, you should be able to make a clear and defining statement that these cables are in fact, the one's "you'd recommend to us all"?
I, rely on MY own experience, then and only then, do I report my findings.
You, on the other hand, by your own words, rely on others' experience to somehow reinforce the statements you made in the past, all the while, hoping , people like me, would not have the where-with-all, to call you out.
I really do understand that sometimes, things in life are better off, as you say, worth, "getting over it". However, when I log on to a specific website for a specific cause, I hope I can rely upon one who has 3700+ posts to guide me to a RATIONAL/unbiased approach to make costly decisions on my upcoming/lifelong, purchases.
You, my friend, have not in any way, recently, helped this basic need/cause.
I only hope that, my use of the phrase "my friend", is not another way for you to find fault with my pointing out YOUR PAST POSTS.
Your response is very enlightening!
(I don't carry a grudge, I'm just looking for reasonable responses/posts that we can accept based upon reasonable, personal history.)
You just don't "get it". IMO.
I really was hoping someone/all would care. Otherwise, all of this is useless. Do you agree with this statement?
If, as you say, "no one cares", why are you even reading this, why are you even a member here?
This is really disconcerting. I only hope others aren't of your mind set.
(All of the above is a serious statement!)
Do you want someone you don't know to make a value judgement/reference of a product that you may consider for your system, based on anyone else judgement as if it was based upon their experience?
Why don't you just write an open letter to MF saying, "Who cares?"
No room needed on my behalf. Just a reasonable explanation of past history.