Platter mat insanity

I was doing an idler upgrade to my 401 (more anon) and when finished used the Keystrobe disk to ensure speed. I use a 10" EP as a platter mat. I played a bunch of albums and it sounded fantastic. On the 6th side, I noticed I'd forgot to remove the 4" strobe disc. Duh. I took it off and figured VTA was responsible. So I lowered the arm to see if that made it sound so good. Nope. Put back on the 4" strobe disk and raised arm. The awesome sound returned. So air under the record removed haze, smearing, flattened soundstage and muddled bass; and made it so more musical. Comments... 

Showing 3 responses by islandmandan

I have tried several different mats on my G-401, an Acromat, the suspended design from the maker of Trans-Fi Terminator (which didn't seem to work well at all for me), and a solid TTW copper mat (along with TTW brass weight), and I always come back to, and stay with, the copper mat and brass weight.

I don't know what to make of your EP mat, though I could try using the strobe disc from the KeyStrobe speed setting system. May be worth a try, though.

Yes, noromance (by the way, does your moniker suggest that, like me, you are beyond your prime?), I'll have to get off my lazy butt and spin some vinyl and try your trick out. You never know unless you try, right?

Noromance, I tried the trick using the KeyStrobe disc last night, first playing side one of "The Blues and the Abstract Truth" (45 RPM Analog Productions re-issue), and, as always, It sounded very, very, good. I then slipped the KeyStrobe disc in, and was surprised at noticing the same phenomenon that happened with you. Why, I don't know. I then played Lee Morgan "Tomcat", another 45 RPM disc, same result.

My strobe disc is brass, so the heavy brass record weight had to be used to keep the record from slipping on the disc. It may have to become a permanent fixture in the playback chain. Good thing you forgot to remove it!

By the way, I purchased, and installed, the Audio Silente idler wheel, and it worked just as well (at least) as the original Garrard idler. I tried to find your review of the Artisan Fidelity idler, but it didn't turn up. Can you direct me on where to find it?
Thanks and regards,