Planned to upgrade to DeVore Gibbon X, but concerned about comment of base leanness

was going to pull the trigger on an upgrade from Gibbon Nines to the Gibbon X.  I like the Nines and believe the X will give me a little more of  everything I like about the Nines, especially a much fuller and deeper sound.  I then read the review in the Stereophile Recommended Components 2019 "He also noted that "the midrange driver and woofers are out of phase in the region where their outputs overlap," which might explain the impression of leanness".  I am concerned about the impression of bass leanness. 

Anyone listen to Gibbon X and if so your thought on bass leanness, or overall impression?

Auditioning is a real pain as it will take a whole day and due to a current medical condition traveling can be a real pain.  I may just end up taking a day trip and spending the night in a hotel.  If there is bass leanness that is a deal breaker.... 


Actually, the Gibbon X is quite a bass heavy speaker.  Read for instance the review at parttimeaudiophile.

I auditioned the Gibbon X in what was a pretty generous sized space and found the bass region very deep but unfortunately over-bearing.  Just too much.  Wheres in the same space the O/96 speakers sounded rich but pretty well controlled in the bass.   The Gibbon X's bass response left me with the impression it would be one of the trickier speakers to integrate in to a room (especially one that wasn't large).

The mids and soundstaging were very nice though.  Clear and warm-toned, with I think a bit of that upper bass/lower mid leaness.
I would agree with @prof that the X isn't bass shy at all - in fact, too much on certain cuts in my 14x18' room. The Super Nine would probably be ideal but wasn't released yet. The Xs need space.

I have a set of the Devore Gibbon X in a 19 x 20 x 9 foot room and have no issues with the bass control in the room. If anything I will say that a lot of people don't realize how much of an affect an amplifier can have in this regard. I went from a smaller CJ stereo amp to a set of Merrill monos and the difference in bass weight and control was huge, almost startling.
Late to this thread. I've owned a pair of Xs since early 2019, paired with a Bel Canto Black Ex integrated, and haven't had any issues with the bass. If anything, the bass is a strong point ... well-controlled, firm, dare I say supple? I have a 14 (deep) by 25 (wide) room with the speakers along a long wall. Obviously room size, amplifier and positioning also make a difference. 
I have owned the Gibbon X for over 1 year. I had a total absence between 100 and 300 hz. and too many high frequencies (and I love the mid high and the high frequencies). Unfortunately I had ti sell them