Planar to dynamic, dynamic to planar, or ...

do you swing both ways? No sexual connotation intended. What is your reason for converting from dynamic to planar or vice versa? Or do you still find yourself going back and forth. I went from planar (Maggie, electrostats, Apogee) to dynamic (Hyperion) but I still consider myself more of a planar guy. I'm really eyeing the new Apogee Syngergy (way too expensive for me at the present time). OK, OK, so I swing both I said it!

Showing 1 response by warnerwh

I love my VMPS hybrids. With a low bass woofer and a mid/upper bass woofer mated to planar mids and ribbon tweeters it seems to be the best of both worlds. Dynamics are excellent like cone speakers and the super transparency and imaging of planars are still there.

Except for the bass I also like Magnepans. They need alot of power to sound decent however. You may want to try a line array. Selah audio makes some outstanding ones. These can also be super dynamic, highly sensitive and have the transparency of a full planar or electrostatic speaker. Selah audio has a forum at audiocircle and although I've never heard one of Rick's speakers, the reviews are extremely positive. You do need a decent sized room for those speakers.

The line arrays may satisfy your needs as they have a row of woofers and a row of ribbon tweeters. Selah also has them with built in subwoofers.