Placing turntable on top of fireplace mantle?

My room doesn't have a ton of space, my fireplace mantle is very solid and stable, and it does not get hot to the touch (have tested this already)

Any negatives to placing it here? Previously I was using a wall shelf, (pictured in the second and third pictures), but placing it on the mantle would take up even less space in the room. Just wondering if I will have any additional vibrations which could cause reduction in sound quality by using the mantle instead of my old wall shelf.

See pictures (note I just moved so things are a mess and not set up yet):


Showing 1 response by millercarbon

Looks good, except for the chimney. When you see the word "chimney" think great big tuning fork going through the roof picking up every vibration from wind, rain, etc. Not saying its bad just think about it, nowhere near as good as it might seem. Still, a good solid base probably better than most racks. Replace the turntable cones with springs, preferably Townshend Pods, and you should have the best of both worlds- stable base, isolation from structure-borne vibration.