btw: Think about the extra interconnect pair(s, depending on configuration), if you leave the ARC pre, in the system. More connections and wires, never seem to help one's presentation.
Placette RCV Passive Pre between pre and power amplifiers?
Hello. This is my system at the moment: cdp Aurora Labtek + pre Audio Research LS5 MKII + final Krell KSA50 + speakers Vienna Acoustics Mozart Grand. Despite the fact that the pre is only in balanced and the final only in unbalanced, I am equally happy with what I listen. The only regret: not having a remote control for the pre. Now I was wondering: does it make sense to insert a RCV Passive Pre Placette Audio between the pre and the power amplifiers, in order to take advantage of its remote, without losing any of the sound quality I have at the moment? Thanks in advance for any suggestions. Maurizio. Italy