Placette RCV best power amplifier to match with

Hallo there, My name name is Maurizio and I write from Italy. I am the owner of Placette RVC, which I bought second hand almost by accident. At the moment I m using it with a cd Player Labtek Aurora, a power amplifier Krell KSA 50 and a pair of Vienna Acoustic Mozart Grand, as loudspeaker. I am very happy with the quality of the sound overall, but I was wondering if anyone could give me some advice on another power amplifier ( better if SS and class A) which might better my current matching. I thank you in advance for any useful information you d be willing to give me.

Showing 1 response by gregm

Hi Maurizio, your Krell is an excellent device and probably not the weakest link in your system. IMO, the DAC in your Labtek is surpassed by the rest of the system.

You of can course improve on the Krell; FM Acoustics, Symphonic Line Kraft 300, Dartzeel, Soulution... to name a few, will give you better sound --- but at a very steep price (usually over 10000euro used!).

Why not purchase a good external dac instead & use the Labtek as a transport? Then ask a technician if it's worth re-capping the Krell?
Stay safe!