Pink Floyd Aficionados

So as we progress on our audiophile journey one of the greatest rewards is hearing something new in a recording that we've never heard before; at least it is for me.

I have heard Animals easily a hundred times since it's release.

This has to do with the Sheep track.

I placed a new to me preamp in the chain recently. In the last 20 seconds there is a ghost vocal that I had never heard. Originally it was 4 notes which were indistinguishable but clearly there. 

Even more recently I upgraded my speakers from Von Schweikert VR4 Jrs to VS VR4 SRMKIII. Now those same notes, while still indistinguishable, have expanded to what seems to be a shepherd faintly directing the flock from a distance.

Has anyone else heard these? I know there are more resolving systems than mine by a wide margin so my question is does it become even more resolved to the point of being able to make out the words?


Showing 1 response by steve59

I tried streaming 24/192 both flac and MQA with a roon nucleus thru qobuz and tidal with a project pre box s2 digital, A mac c49, a pair of mc611’s to a pair of Kef Blades...There’s a bit of Wawa pedal shifting from channel to channel with the sheep before the sheep get louder, but I couldn’t hear a shepard, coarse if I have an edible (or 2)and listen with the lights dimmed in the evening I might be in a better head space to notice.