Ping Pong Projector Beam

Here is a bit of a weird question, perhaps, but I have been thinking about a very clever installation I saw in the Asia Society on Park Avenue in NY.

I noticed when we checked in for their exhibit that over the receptionist there were these really slick, high tech paper thin looking projection screens, suspended in space where there was no apparent projector in sight.

Well it seems that this was generated with a fairly ordinary LCD projector, and then BOUNCED off a mirror hidden under the desk.

So my question is please:

Can I "bounce" an LCD beam off a simple mirror like this for a home theatre application?

Would some high end, optical grade mirror work better? Or a particular specification for this application?

Any other thoughts or considerations?

I would like to set up TV at my office and home theatre at home where the projector was NOT visible, so your suggestions and input are greatly appreciated.



Uhhhmmmmm......I guess I was missing EVERYTHING, which is precisely why I posted the question.

I was also hoping - perhaps idealistically - that my post might be a little more efficient than undertaking some remedial study of physics.

Also none of my friends are TV repairmen but thank you very much nonetheless.

Palasr, in the meantime, seems to have given me exactly the info I need. Palasr, thank you, and long live Audiogon!


Unfortunately, you can't use an ordinary mirror for such an application - the image will double due to the first reflection bouncing off the surface of the glass, and the second reflection bouncing off the rear of the glass (the painted/silvered surface). There is a special type of miror called a first-surface mirror which eliminates this type of reflection and image doubling. They are reasonably priced, and widely available from companies like Da-Lite, Draper, etc.
Uhm what part of back projection direct view are you missing. All of the back projection types, DLP LCD, etc, all project to a mirror and boune it to the screen.

You can do what your asking, however focal length needs to be adhered to. Some minor bush up on on optics in an old physics manual should be enough to let you know if you want to tackle this one.

Hang out at a TV repair shop, be freindly, bring donuts, and ask them about the technology, and how it's done and do they have an old one that is going to scrap you could play with the mirrors on.

To start, buy a cheap projector that you can re-sell on videogon and get your money back and play with it.

I prefer direct rear projection, but you need an enclosed room behind a wall.

Good luck,

das loon