Picking Speakers 20k-30k

Recently built a HiFi System with much help from this site, now I’m looking at upgrades.  Strongly considering an all-Aavik system but looking at speaker options before I pull the trigger on anything, hence the following question: If you were buying new speakers in the 20-30k range (used or new), what’s on your shortlist?  Bonus points if you have suggestions based on synergy with Aaviks electronics.

If it helps the conversation: 21’X 19’ treated listening room with cathedral ceiling. Listen to a wide variety of music.

thanks for your expertise!


Placing speakers at this level only 20” out from the back wall is almost a non starter to get the best imaging/soundstage out of them. If you can manage to pull the speakers out a foot more here are a couple nice-looking and excellent-sounding speakers that are musical with many genres of music…

I’d also add Sonus Faber and Rockport as other excellent choices to check out. My advice — don’t hang your hat on Aavik just yet as although it’s excellent it’s all about synergy so my suggestion is use the manufacturer as a resource for what amp to choose once you choose a speaker. Choosing the amp first is just absolutely backwards thinking to me. Best of luck.

After listening to the TIDAL Contriva G3 at High End audio Munich 2023, I would look at the Vimberg Mino/tonda speakers. 

This is a great price point for speakers but you have to be careful there are a lot of posers at this price range the choice is simple;

Canton reference 1K / $30,000 new

Canton reference 2K / $20,000 new

Canton speakers use the Center bass flow down firing port which makes speaker positioning very simple

There are some very nice speakers in that price range.  One that is missing on the list is the PS Audio FR30 which may look a little utilitarian compared to some of the others, but still an attractive speaker (to me at least).  It certainly sounds like you have a room that could use a speaker of that size.  I don't know what your location is, but wouldn't it be nice to travel to Boulder Colorado to audition those, and you get to see a beautiful part of this country in the process.


The Rockport  Atria ii speakers are $26,500. The Avior ii are around $40k. 

I highly recommend an audition of the Avior ii. Good luck in your search !