Picking an Open Baffle speaker for 2w SET amp - plus bonus question !?!


I recently purchased a Decware Zen Triode 2.3w amp and want to experience what an OB speaker sounds like - with a budget of $1000. I do own 2 REL T5 subs that could be put to use if needed, and from looking around, especially on the Decware site, one obvious choice would be a Caintuck OB with either a Betsy or Lii Fast-8” full range driver. Others on the user forum site rave about the Lii 15” driver (in the same baffle) for offering a much fuller sound.
Where I get confused is primarily if I should go with one of the 8” driver options or with the 15” big boy. I am guessing the answer will have a lot to do with my particular room situation, which is very restrictive and from what I have read not ideal for OB speakers.

I am hoping someone with more experience could take a look at my odd room (floor plan & a couple pics attached) and make an educated guess what would perform better in my set-up (15” or 8” plus sub).

There are two rooms I’d like to try this out in:
One is my office, a “tidy” 12x12’ box.
The other is the more complicated space, a living room with an interesting layout.
The bonus question:
Is it possible with the addition of another device (and what would that be??) to control / set a crossover frequency for the Decware amp, when connecting a sub via the speakers tabs from the amp?


Showing 1 response by dspringham

I put one of these Zen amps on my Cube Audio Nenuphars and it sounds unearthly good. Using a Vinnie Rossi L2iSE with Elrog 300B's for DAC and preamp duties. With these speakers the Zen sound amazingly natural and open - wide soundstage, wonderful clarity and tonality with great separation of instruments and voices.  Bass is strong and deep. Within it's power parameters I prefer the Zen sound to that of the Rossi's own built-in Mosfet  output stage (@100w/ch). All in all a surprising outcome - I'm sure the crossoverless Nenuphar FRD has a lot to do with the end result.