Picking a speakers

Hi guys, I need your opinion on which speakers to pick. I recently purchased a 2 Bowers and Wilkins 805S and HTM2 for a center channel. I read somewhere that they don't match. And would need to get HTM4S to match 805S. Now, my question is: Should I purchase HTM4S and stick with 805S or should I purchase 804N and stick with HTM2? PS: I do have a nice velodyne servo subwoofer, so the bass is not my problem.Thank you in advance!


Showing 5 responses by soix

Are you noticing a mismatch?  If not and you’re happy I’d just stick with what you have.  On paper there’s not a lotta difference between the HTM2 and 4S anyway.

I’m familiar with the 804Ns and their bass capabilities are not much to write home about, and especially since you’re using a sub I think you’d be giving up more in sound quality than improving bass/dynamics.  If you feel like upgrading the center it certainly can’t hurt but not sure you’ll get a big improvement as the designs are quite similar.  What’s the rest of the equipment in your system, and is your priority more 2 channel or HT?  Depending on this you may be better off putting those $$$ to work elsewhere in your system so definitely take that into consideration. 

I wouldn’t take the Rotel over the McCormack, and the B&K is probably really old.  Personally I’d go with the HT5.  But, and this goes for the preamp too, it really comes down to what sound characteristics you’re looking for and which are most important to you.  Would you like better or fuller tonality, more or less treble info, better imaging, more expanded 3D soundstage, etc.?  The more info you give about your specific preferences the better recommendations you’ll get here.  Be excited — you’re in for a real treat once you get these pieces put in place.  BTW, what are you using for a 2-channel source as that’s critical too. 

I’m using it 50/50 music and movies. Denon receiver and Denon 2 ch amp, that I want to replace for another 3 ch amp eventually.

Very helpful info — thanks! Assuming your AVR has preamp outs as you’re already using a stereo amp, if I’m you I hang onto that center and save up for a good separate stereo preamp (with a HT bypass feature) and amp. Here’s an excellent 5-channel amp at a great price, and if you only need 3 channels you might be able to biamp your 805s, which wouldn’t suck because they like power.


IMO your first priority by far is to get that AVR outta the signal path for 2-channel because it’s a huge bottleneck to the performance your speakers are capable of, hence the stereo preamp suggestion. Simply run the front L/R preouts from the AVR into the stereo pre and when listening to 2-channel the AVR will be completely out of the signal path, and you can switch between stereo and HT with the simple push of one button — it’s a beautiful thing really. Just some thoughts FWIW.

Ok. What’s your budget range for a preamp and amp, and would you buy new or used? Not at all familiar with your media player, but if it’s a low-budget player that’s something you’d really want to look at upgrading too because it’s also a critical component for 2-channel performance. Decent streamers can be had in the $200 - $400 range, but things get better as you get to around the $1000 price range (of course) and some have serviceable DACs that can hold you over until you can upgrade there too. Innuos, EverSolo, and Cambridge come to mind in that range, and of course there’s the Bluesound Node at a slightly lower price point.