pickering cartriidge xv 15 any good.

i have this to try  what do  you think?  thanks-

Showing 6 responses by fsellet

Fantastic cartridge! It is the equivalent of the Stanton 681 which was used to master many records back then. There are a lot of options as far as replacement stylus with a many decent after market ones. Give it a try and you will be surprised...
BTW the XV15 was never the cheapest of the Pickering. On the contrary it was top of the line, till it was replaced by other models.
@chakster, I do not know why I am wasting my time with you, (your rudeness does not really warrant a response), but I guess the internet is full of misinformation and we do not need more... Before any of the models you mention were around, the XV15 and Stanton 681 were an industry reference. Stanton 681eee MkII for instance had a stereohedron tip
The last iteration, the mkIII was elliptical. At that time, I believe that the 881 had replaced the 681 as the reference in the Stanton lineup.
The 681eee was hand-selected and carefully matched by Stanton. it was an upgrade from the otherwise similar 680 body. The XV15 was also similar (Pickering was a sister company) but had different styli. the XV15 625, 750, 1200 ( I believe there was also a 1800) were all top of the line at a given time. These are interchangeable between the 680s and the XV15, with the caveat that at some point Stanton and Pickering implemented a change in the angle of the bodies. This will result in the wrong VTA if one does not have the correct stylus. These are great sounding cartridges. Is there better? Yes, there always is...
The fact that these cartridges became linked to DJs for obvious marketing reasons late in the history of these glorious companies does not change the above statements.You are welcome to believe what you want to believe about the sound of these cartridges, I could care less. If you indeed think they are trash, please send me all your records that have been mastered with a 681... I will happily relieve you of that burden. The OP already has the cartridge. It is worth a try IMHO. He or she could easily make up his/her own mind. My answer to the original post is that it will take real money to better this cartridge if it has a top stylus (even the elliptical 625 is quite good).

Pickering XV and Stanton 680 series are Moving Iron cartridges. The ones you keep mentioning are MM. The styli are not interchangeable between the two. Really Chakster, it is OK to acknowledge that you have not heard these cartridges with their top styli, nobody will think less of you (maybe). Anyway, like I said, I am wasting my time. Hopefully the OP or anyone else will be adventurous enough to try this cartridge, they will be pleasantly surprised. Maybe you should give it a try too...
V15 was the entry level cartridge for Pickering, not the XV15. None of the styli I mentioned was a bonded elliptical.  I suggest Google: it is a useful source of information for people who do not know the facts.
Argument from authority (argumentum ad verecundiam)? Congratulation Chakster for owning the best. Now is the time for you to stop buying cartridges otherwise your best will soon become trash...As for your experience: everyone can judge based on this thread.