Pick your poison...2-channel or multi?

This post is just to get a general ideas among audiophiles and audio enthusiasts; to see who really likes what. Here's the catch!

If you were restricted to a budget of $10,000, and wanted to assemble a system, from start to finish, which format would you choose, 2 channel or mulichannel?

I'll go first and say multichannel. I've has to opportunity to hear a multichannel setup done right and can't see myself going back to 2-channel. I'm even taking my system posting down and will repost it as a multichannel system.

So...pick your poison! Which one will it be, 2-channel or multichannel.

Showing 1 response by perkadin

You can have both!!! I just recently went back to multichannel and for those guys that say they aren't missing anything b/c all their music is two channel or it's less realistic b/c all the info comes from the front anyway probably haven't heard what surround formats like Prologic II can do to recordings. I love the subtle ambient info my rear channels pump out. It pulls you on stage with the performer rather than in the audience. Is it as realistic? Maybe not, but in a good concert hall you'll have a domed ceiling which will greatly amplify the reflected sound you hear and almost mimic a surround sound setup. That said, I built my system around the front 2channels and when listening to music the rears are set to small and slightly attenuated, and the center is off so the majority of sound still comes from 'stereo'. I have a seperate 2ch amp which helps as well. I don't think a center channel does a good job with music (it sits in a cabinet shelf below my TV which isn't great for sound). For movies and concert DVD's all five are properly balanced so the soundtrack determines speaker volume.