
Which brand to players prefer?  Steinway vs Bosendorfer vs Bechstein?  Or are you a Historically Informed kind of player and go for Erard?  Or the relative newcomers from the Orient, Yamaha and Samick?


Showing 1 response by coltrane1

As a jazz pianist I’ve owned several. Bosendorfer, made in Germany, is the most expensive piano ever made. For a high quality piano and something affordable I’d recommend a Yamaha C series. This is a piano that’s in most jazz clubs. The Yamaha C3 is a 6 foot grand piano with excellent tone and action. The C series is Yamaha’s finest piano. The company spends extra time and better parts building them.

Steinway is also excellent. But expensive.

If I was looking to purchase a grand piano today I’d purchase a Fandrich & Sons piano. It contains the patented Fandrich action. It’s the action that you’re actually playing. The Fandrich action is smooth as butter. They actually have grand piano’s from $13,000 to $19,000. That’s just about the least expensive quality piano available today. They’re excellent pianos. I only know about them because they’re built near my home. I use to visit them often because their piano’s are pure joy to play. A 6’ is desirable, and is priced at $19k. A 5’’7” is priced at $16.5k.
They can be located on line at:


If you’re desiring an upright I’d stay with a Yamaha 5’3” upright. Young Chang also makes quality piano’s. If you can afford it I’d recommend purchasing a grand., which has the best tone. A 5’7” grand won’t break your budget and will fit nicely in a moderately sized room. The piano is best located near a corner where the sound will reverberate back to the player.

An upright’s sound is right in your face because the piano’s soundboard is vertical. A grand’s sound is preferable because it’s soundboard is horizontal, and the result is it’s sound is more open and appealing.

And know too that some uprights can be as, or more expensive, than a grand. So, probably more information than you wanted to know.