Piano black polish and refinish

Is there a kit or a very good tutorial for the "normal man" to fix/repair/refinish piano black speakers?  I figured surely there's a good kit with the right compounds and etc made for pianos but the only real advice I've seen is a complete rebuild or taking it to a car paint shop.


Showing 1 response by gdaddy1


+1.  Gloss black is the most difficult to maintain. The actual 'color' of the black used is critical. Yes, some blacks are 'blacker' than others. They're not all the same.

The size of the scratches will dictate how aggressive the buffing compound needs to be. It may require a very fine 'wet' sanding to get deeper scratches out. (Maguires has 2000 and even 3000 grit papers.) Some maybe too deep to buff. Word of caution... if you are too aggressive and go through the clear coat there's NO going back.

If it's bad I would probably repaint it. 

Good Luck!