Physics of downward firing woofers

Ok ... this question will show my complete lack of knowledge about physics ... but here goes anyway:

Every now and then I come across a speaker with a downward firing woofer. I wonder: why don't the sound waves bounce off the floor back towards the speaker, rattling the bejeezez out of it and / or messing up the woofer itself?


Showing 2 responses by asvjerry

"....actual experiences...." *G* OK...

Agreeing with Erik @ 11:25, my modest bottom-firing sub is up against the wall.  If I opt to listen to my front-firing speakers, they pass up to a pair of 12" +/- 15" above the concrete floor. They in turn pass up to a 6' active with a 6" passive physically above the 12".  Both are aligned +/- 30" from the back wall to accommodate the dipole ribbon above them that takes it to top....

...when I'm not listening to omnis, anyway. *S*  Not your typical approach, but I like the results.  All the bass and lower mids one could want, unless you're into 'burping' in the car.  Not the sort to hang out here @ AG... ;)
mapman, now that (the Sumikos) sounds like the best of both options...although now it'll drift into 'the driven should be the direct, the passive the downer'.....;)
One could always void the warranty....*L*