Lots of good option in this range. Personally, I would purchase my Sutherland 20/20 if given the choice again, and at under $3K you can add the linear power supply within your budget. I haven't upgraded to the LPS yet, but it's on my radar.
Phonostage recommendations under $3K
I am looking to step up from my current Parasound ZPhono XRM (still under 60 days audition trial). To be honest, I am quite pleased with its performance, feature set and flexibility. I mean what else you can expect from a $600 phono. While I enjoyed listening to vinyl through XRM, I feel there is room for improvement and XRM may be the weakest link in my vinyl setup. And since XRM is the only phono I’ve experienced in my setup, I don’t have quite have a reference point. So what else should I be considering under $3K?
I prefer a relaxed and slightly warm sound since I mostly listen to jazz genre.
I started to put together a list list based on sound quality and flexibility with gain and impedance settings.
Parasound JC 3+ Phono Pre
Allnic H-1202
Leben RS30 EQ (requires a SUT for MC Cart)
I hear high praises on Herron VTPH-2A but it’s bit more than I would like to spend at this time.
My current vinyl setup, Thorens TD1601, ZPhono XRM, Hana ML (low output - 0.4mv), Accuphase E-650 and Tannoy Canterbury’s.
I would really appreciate some recommendations based on your personal experiences. Thank you!
I am looking to step up from my current Parasound ZPhono XRM (still under 60 days audition trial). To be honest, I am quite pleased with its performance, feature set and flexibility. I mean what else you can expect from a $600 phono. While I enjoyed listening to vinyl through XRM, I feel there is room for improvement and XRM may be the weakest link in my vinyl setup. And since XRM is the only phono I’ve experienced in my setup, I don’t have quite have a reference point. So what else should I be considering under $3K?
I prefer a relaxed and slightly warm sound since I mostly listen to jazz genre.
I started to put together a list list based on sound quality and flexibility with gain and impedance settings.
Parasound JC 3+ Phono Pre
Allnic H-1202
Leben RS30 EQ (requires a SUT for MC Cart)
I hear high praises on Herron VTPH-2A but it’s bit more than I would like to spend at this time.
My current vinyl setup, Thorens TD1601, ZPhono XRM, Hana ML (low output - 0.4mv), Accuphase E-650 and Tannoy Canterbury’s.
I would really appreciate some recommendations based on your personal experiences. Thank you!