Phono Stage upgrade to complement Dohmann Helix One Mk 2

Thanks to the recommendations from many users on this Audiogon blog, I think I was able to make a more informed purchase of a turntable, the Dohmann Helix One Mk 2.  I've really been enjoying the turntable for the past month!  

The next phase of my system now needs attention:  the phono stage.  Currently, I'm using a Manley Steelhead v2 running into an Ypsilon PST-100 Mk2 SE pre-amplifier (into Ypsilon Hyperion monoblocks, into Sound Lab M745PX electrostatic speakers). 

I've been told that I could really improve my system by upgrading the phono stage from the Manley Steelhead (although I've also been told that the Manley Steelhead is one of the best phono stages ever made).  
Interestingly, two of the top phono stages that I'm considering require a step-up transformer (SUT).  I'm not fully informed about any inherent advantages or disadvantages of using an SUT versus connecting directly to the phono stage itself.  

I suppose my current top two considerations for a phono stage are the Ypsilon VPS-100 and the EM/IA  LR Phono Corrector, both of which utilize an SUT.  I don't have a particular price range, but I find it hard to spend $100k on stereo components, so I'm probably looking in the $15k - $70k price range. 


Showing 6 responses by sksos

@drbond  stated on 4/29/2022 11:39 "Thanks for the recommendations, but both the CS Port C2 EQM 2 and the EMT 128 (both of which are but phono stages, and look like high quahily products) only have one input.  With my two tonearms, I would prefer a phono stage with two inputs". 


Yes this thread hasn't seen replies for over 2 months but I was searching for info on the CS Port phono eq C2EQM2 b/c thinking of getting one in to hear and saw drbond's comment regarding it. From the CS Port website it states: One MC and two MM cartridges are also supported, three inputs in total. Just thought I'd set the record straight. 

By the way, I think Mike Lavigne owns the CS Port phono.

Yes, Mike does and really likes the CS Port phono. Have PM him via WBF and quickly discussed. It's one of the reasons I'm thinking of it, his opinion is highly thought of.

@lewm correct I'm contemplating the CS Port C3EQM phono. I have a Stabi R with the SAFIR arm and a MSL cartridge and couldn't be happier. 

@rauliruegas what is "true fidelity"? Do you know? Do I know? No. (My wife tells me I should know after being married for 46 years!) It was Kondo-san himself that taught me things about analog and it's sound and it was he who showed me the light regarding SUT's. Is it accurate? I'm not looking for accuracy but for a sound that keeps me engaged and enjoying the music and brings the musicians into my space, or better yet me into their space. I can appreciate your view and others views but for me I've been at this for a loooooong time and know what I like.

Enjoy your journey 😎

Sorry @rauliruegas I usually place at the end of a post "Dealer disclaimer" especially when I talk about any equipment. I've been a member here since 2006 and as you can see I don't post much, up to 114 posts now. As for Kondo gear, initially it wowed me then I found it just too euphoric and "earthy" sounding. Yes I wanted a more accurate sound which I think you still can achive with some tubes. 

@mijostyn I've been using the SmarTracter for the last 18 months (prior I used the  feickert protractor). As you know the SmarTracter has 5 different setting you can use to align a cartridge. When I first received it I went back and forth listening to all 5 settings and came away with Lofgren B as the best sounding "to my ears". It's nice to know I picked the one with the lowest distortion.  😎