Phono Stage That's not Schiit

I purchased a Rega P3 with their EYL2 cart installed - a big step up from my previous TT. I also picked up a Schiit Mani phono stage - hoping it would suffice - but I now know it's the weak point in my set-up. This is running through a Krell S-550i and N804s. I'm ready to upgrade the phono stage and have been reading threads here, but a lot of what is recommended is at higher cost then what I spent on the P3/EYL2. I don't anticipate upgrading the TT in the near future, but  the cart - yes. I'm hoping to find a phono stage for >$1k than will bring out the best of what I have. The  Pro-Ject Tube Box DS2 is one I'm looking at. I would prefer a warmer sound since the Krell is already cool-ish for me. I could go higher than $1k, I'm just not sure my rig warrants it. any suggestions would be appreciated.


Showing 1 response by jjss49

op has gotten a lot of recommendations

i would suggest a lehmann as a no nonsense, very quiet and good sounding choice... not euphonic, just quiet, pure, with plenty of gain

parenthetically, i think hudson below means a DYNAVECTOR p75...  it is a good unit, especially with dynavector carts, but it can be a little finicky with noise