Phono Stage/SUT for Goldring Elite MC?

Hello All,

I have a Music Hall MMF 7.3 with a Goldring Elite MC cartridge which exudes wonderful definition and clarity. However, when I play it through my Modwright SWL 9.0 phono card (gain: 50dB, fixed), and out my Parasound ZM 2350 power amp and Aerial 10T speakers, I have to crank up the volume so much that I get an inordinate amount of hiss. I want to keep the MC cartridge because I like its clarity. Is there anything I can do (for hopefully well under $1000) to rectify this issue while maintaining the fantastic definition the MC cartridge provides?

Here are the cartridge specs:
  • Frequency Response 20 Hz-30 kHz +/- 2 dB
  • Sensitivity 0.5 mV +/- 1 dB @ 1 kHz
  • Static Compliance 18 mm/N
  • Load Resistance 100 Ω
  • Load Capacitance 100 - 500 pF
  • Internal Inductance 2 uH
  • Internal Resistance 8 Ω
And Modwright phono card specs:
  • Gain 50 dB fixed
  • Variable ohm loads; i.e. 30, 45, 50, 90, 100, 333, 500, 1000
  • 100pF switch
I feel like there is a mismatch somewhere! I listen to acoustic music - classical and jazz, prefer a flat or warm sound, and like to purchase my equipment used to save money.


Showing 1 response by audioguy85

Step it up with a Rothwell sut, the has a built in load of 100 ohms and runs Lindahl transformers, 1:10. Then from the mcx, run it into the MM section of your preferred phono stage set at 47k ohms. I’d recommend you give a listen to the Tavish design phono stages, in particular the Classic or Vintage. They are both tubed phono stages. I have the same turntable, but I like the 2m bronze on it for now. When I put my Goldring eroica lx on it, I have my aforementioned Rothwell mcx in place ready to go. I run the Tavish the Classic with Nos Rca 7025, ge 12au7, and a triple mica sylvania 5751. Your looking at about $400 in tubes. Use Atlas element phono cables, very low capacitance and very good shielding. I also own a Classic sb pro-ject table with the Hana el...for that I run a Jensen sut with 430 ohm load impedance, also a 1:10 ratio, as the Hana output is also .5 mv.
Alternatively you can skip all the above and spend 2k on the tavish adagio. It’s a tubed phono stage with built in Jensen transformers plus variable load impedance and capacitance settings. It’s a fabulous piece of kit. If you opt for the separate power supply, that will push price considerably higher. There is a waiting list for the tavish phono stages....