phono stage/preamp project the classic superpack help with set-up please


I’ve inherited a wonderful vinyl collection from my dad and am saving up for a set-up to appreciate them properly.
Unfortunately my technical knowledge is not great, I’m just a music lover and hope you can help me.

I am thinking of buying the following:

Project the classic superpack (£1400)
Project MaiADS2 amp (£800)
Bowers & Wilkens 603 speakers (£1250)

Do these hold up to other options in this price range? This is the absolute top of what i can afford.

I am also wondering if I need to add anything to this, like a preamp? Or is the MaiADS2 all I will need?
If I need a preamp or anything else, what would you recommend?

Many thanks in advance!

Sorry to hear he is no longer with you.

My entire involvement in high quality sound is based on inheriting my wealthy uncle’s system in 1973 (Fisher President II made in 1958) when he died too young when I was 25.

it's bigger than that indicates, it was around 35" high, 15" woofers, horn midrange, horn tweeters, 

Don’t count old stuff out. It can be ok, refurb, restored, sold .... I moved many parts out of the console, my current speakers are the ones from that unit restored in a custom rosewood enclosure. I still use the tube amps frequently, other components are downstairs silently looking good.

Is there anyone who can get into that attic, move some stuff around, get model/serial #s, take photos, remove covers from front of speakers to check the condition? Perhaps catalog/photograph it, move it to air conditioned storage unit before you get caught in a compromise situation. You might get a reduced cost for a storage unit now, later, if people lose their houses, large apartments, downsize, storage units get busy.

KEF are very nice, excellent, except, they are low sensitivity, so, they need more power than other speakers to make the same sound volume. You may find a decently powerful amp up there.

B&W Bowers and Wilkins are also very nice, usually higher sensitivity than KEF, so a smaller amp would be successful with them.

I just bought a pair of B&W bookshelf speakers, made in 1985, so they are 35 years old. they sound terrific, I added my Velodyne self powered sub for a bit more low bass, I have the best sounding system in my office than ever before.

Now, the behemoth speakers: inquiring minds want to know more.!!!

Think long, you have the rest of your life to mess with this, and, do you have any children? If so, you might want to get them involved now.
Sounds like you should wait and see exactly what your Dad has in the attic!  Could be some real gems and you might find it very satisfying to restore some of the equipment.  I have a close friend who, like you, shared a love of music with his father. To this day, he still uses his dad’s beautiful Marantz 7c preamp and 8b amp.  
Let us know what’s hiding up there and I bet you will get some good advice on what to do with it.
My advice is to go to the Zu showroom when you can.
Ask for demo and check it out if you want to buy from them.

There was a bookshelf version of Druid, this is a rare model, available right now on ebay in UK, i think this is the best you can get at £900 for a pair in UK. You could add an active sub later if needed. At this price i would buy myself for a kitchen, but i’m not in UK and internationl shipping is not possible with this seller. Grab them, they are nice and super high efficient, you can always upgrade drivers and supertweeter later with special kit from ZU. I have fully upgraded standfloor Druid MK4 in my room

Or you can find Tannoy showroom to compare. With this brand be carefull, because you need ONLY those Tannoy with THIS TYPE of driver. Make sure the speaker has only ONE driver, because nowadays they are making a lot of average cheap speakers (ignore them). From the vintage line of Tannoy this one is nice.

Buy what you like, Zu and Tannoy are really great.

My father died a few years ago unfortunately but we shared our love of music and he would have liked me taking the time to do this properly. 

This is much too long a story to get into, but his records have lived in my parents attic (unused, but stored properly) for longer then I'm alive (I'm 35). I've never actually heard them (insert shock and horror). There is indeed a lot of old (probably good kit) up there, which belonged to his brother my uncle, who was a proper audiophile. He would've been able to tell me everything I could possibly need to know, but he died in 1993 when I was 9/10 years old. All of his equipment was then moved to my parents attic and I don't know which was his or my dads (bit of a hoarder situation up there). From what I remember there are about 4 sets bookshelf speakers among which bowers&wilkins and kef speakers (I remember my dad saying that was a good brand?); there are also a set of speakers the size of a wardrobe (how they got them up there I don't know) and I know of two turntables, but no idea of make or model at the moment. Because here's the kicker; I live in London and my parents house is in Holland. I simply haven't had the time until now. And I don't know what would be worth moving here and getting repaired/cleaned (decades of dust), but I could wait until covid is over and take pictures of everything next time I go over (I did move over my favourite records when I could, so they're in London). I might do that anyway because I'm quite curious about all of it!

Our living room is medium/average sized about 4.5 x 4.5 meters, square shaped, carpet floor/wooden boards underneath. The TT would be on a sturdy wooden cupboard in the middle of one of the walls with speakers either side.

I don't know all the terms you mention yet, but google is my friend ;-)

@chakster ok good to know. It's hard to know what is right or not when there is SO MUCH information online. I will definitely investigate further about Zu and tannoy speaker. I'm still saving up so plenty of time for that and I've already seen that there are a few dealers that sell Zu speakers in the UK. Thanks!
please describe room size/shape/surfaces, i.e. give us a clue about the listening room you are selecting speakers for.

plan on speakers being a few feet forward of rear wall, a few feet in from side walls,

I don't like ports, avoid them, I suggest selecting mains and later, if you need more bass, add a stereo pair of self powered subs located with the mains. Bass and overtones from those low fundamentals are directional.
I advise making sure you choose efficient speakers SPL 1meter/1watt 90 db or higher. Also, try to stay nominal 8 ohms.

that will keep your amplifier power size (___wpc watts per channel) lower, which puts you in position to go either Solid State or Tubes, staying down in affordable range, and keeping equipment size/weight/heat manageable 
I hope you dad is parting while still with you, condolences if he's gone.

What equipment was your father using? Don't ignore old stuff!
I’ve heard somewhere that modern belt driven TTs are better for preserving your records? (that’s very important to me) Is there any truth in that?

What? Record wear factor is all about CARTRIDGE and STYLUS PROFILE (mainly condition of the diamond stylus), but not in any way a drive type. Drive is for rotation only.

My music is mostly 60s/70s guitar based rock/folk/blues. Does/should that influence the kind of speakers I choose?

If you want tremendous dynamics and superb sound quality even on low volume then read about Zu Audio drivers or about Tannoy drivers. Those speakers are high efficient, they are powerful even with very low power amp, for some Tannoy models you don’t need more than 60w amp, for Zu you don’t need even 30w amp. And even 50% less power amp is fine for both. 

I’m driving my floorstanding Zu Audio Druid with 2w (yes just 2w) Yamamoto A-08s tube amp and i can’t believe how load they can be with 2w amp in my big room. I’m all about music from the 70’s. Zu Audio speakers are crossover-less (no crossover). You’d better watch interview with Zu Audio founder, very interesting.

I enjoyed those small vintage Tannoy bookshelf speakers (in my post above), i would like to have their bigger model. Very nice!

If you want to know more about modern Tannoy this is the one to look for, and watch Kevin Deal video , he will explain everything!

Thank you both for your reply, much appreciated!!

I've heard somewhere that modern belt driven TTs are better for preserving your records? (that's very important to me) Is there any truth in that?

My music is mostly 60s/70s guitar based rock/folk/blues. Does/should that influence the kind of speakers I choose?
That pro-ject is belt drive, i would never spend than much on belt-drive, look for Japanese Direct Drive instead:

Technics 1500c comes with Cartridge and buit-in MM phono stage £899
Zu Audio Omen Bookshelf $1899 (high efficient speakers)
+Low Power amp of your choice (they are no expensive).

In UK you can always look for Tannoy instead of Zu
This Tannoy for example.

I have assembled this for a local friend, an excellent combination without breaking the bank. It was Tannoy NFM-8 DMT + Luxman sqn100 with built-in MM phono stage and headphone amp!

You can always buy latest Technics MK7 for $899 (also available in silver)
then a better vintage MM cartridge (new Old Stock) separately.

P.S. You can always buy used speakers much cheaper than new, same about latest Technics turntables.
For a separate phono stage i can recommend latest JLTi MM/MC from Australia

Per online reviews I see nothing bad (quite the opposite) about your choices.

From your "list" you would only require a pair of speaker cables to get up and running (the TT comes with interconnects).

Does your father's vinyl collection include a record cleaner (or @ a minimum cleaning brushes)?

If not you would also require such, as well as a stylus cleaning brush.

The S2 includes gobs of other features (digital, BT et cetera) that I assume that you may make use of, but if this is not the case then perhaps look into something more basic.

Also strongly suggest that @ a minimum you audition the speakers, though realize that doing so may not be possible during these trying times.

Anyway, looks like a nicely researched setup, and I had fun reading the online reviews of gear (kit:-) that I was not aware of.
