Phono Stage, How much do I need to spend, New or used.

Hello all, I need some opinions on Phono stages. I currently have a VPI scoutmaster with a vessel MM R3SM cartridge and a Schiit  Mani phono stage. This set up just does not fill the room like my digital does, anyone have any opinions on what I need to do to make this happen. How much do I need to spend on a phone stage, new or used.

Showing 2 responses by millercarbon

No, it's true. That is why I have to sit in the middle of the room. With CD the music fills the whole room, you can even see it going out the door into the rest of the house. Records however barely fill the sweet spot. As best I can tell there is no sound anywhere else. One of the most closely guarded secrets of analog, but now the cat is out of the bag. 
You want to fill the room "like digital does"? Impossible. They all sound way better than digital. However, if you are asking what phono stage will be so good that even a guy like me who uses digital as the standard will be forced to admit yeah, this is WAY BETTER? Herron VTPH2A.

Or if using the MM cart then you have enough output to use the Decware ZP3.

I must warn you however, either one of these and your days of comparing to digital are done for.