Phono Stage: Cornet3 vs Eros 2 vs Parasound Hint6

Hi Everyone,The bottlehead sale as me thinking about a phono stage upgrade. 


My signal chain so far:

Fully upgraded KAB Technics 1200 

Mogami Wire

Kef LS50

Parasound Hint6 


The stock parasound is very good and I'm quite happy with it.  I wouldn't be thinking about an upgrade unless the sale was on.  I've built the Hagermann Bugle in the past and was really happy with it, so i threw the Cornet3 in the mix.  The circuit board is $60 and you source your own components -- not a bad deal. My end goal is a fully built out DIY audio signal path to the extent that makes sense.  


Showing 1 response by knotscott

Have you looked into modding the Bugle at all?  Op amps, power supply, key resistors and caps can make quite an improvement.  The Cornet 3 is actually on my radar if I ever build another phono stage, but honestly the modded Bugle 3  sings quite nicely with my FrankenNag 500. 

What cart are you running?