Phono Preamp upgrade

New to vinyl playback but have some equipment that I'm really enjoying and others I'd like to consider upgrading.

My current set up is:

Audio Research VSi55 tube amplifier

Kef LS 50's

Pro-ject Debut Carbon w/ Ortofon Red & upgraded acrylic platter.

Schitt Mani phono preamp.


I'm happy with my amplifier and speakers but am curious about trying out different cartridge's, including MC. I would like to upgrade the TT, but am thinking of starting with the phono preamp. I'm looking at the following:

QHW 'The Vinyl'

Dynavector P75

Sutherland KC Vibe

All can be had for under $1k which I'm comfortable with paying and I've found retailers for all that allow returns so it's possible to order all 3 and have them at the same time to hear them in my system.

They all have multiple settings for MM & MC cartridges, so should be able to handle different cartridges down the road when I upgrade my TT.

I've read positive reviews about all. Do 1 or 2 stand out considerably above another? Or is just getting all of them and picking my favorite the best option? Any other that I should consider?


Thanks for your responses and advice!











Showing 1 response by big_greg

I'm not going to make any specific phono recommendations.  I'll pile on and encourage you to consider a better turntable/cartridge. 

Your components need to be of similar quality.  Adding a better phono stage would no doubt help with sound quality, but you'll be leaving a lot on the table so to speak by feeding it a not so great signal from an entry level turntable.