Phono preamp suggestions...

I'm getting back into vinyl and I lost track of recent developments in phono preamps. what's a good choice in the under $1,000 range (used). I'm using two cartridges: .5mv and 2mv ouputs. I like tubes if that helps.

If you can find a used NYAL Moscode Super-It, one of Harvey Rosenberg's products from the l980s, you'll be in hog heaven. Shouldn't cost more than $l50-200, uses three l2AX7s, and has served my $6,000 vinyl front end for years. Modded with a new power supply and NOS tubes it sounds even better. Cheers, Dave
I agree with Franks. The EAR 834P is the best phono stage I've owned in your price range and I've had several over the years.
EAR 834P with the MC option. Tubed and very nice for around $995 new. Also has a volume control option if your only vinyl based.