Phono Preamp suggestions?

My current system is set up as so:

- McIntosh MA6100 Integrated
- Linn Sondek LP12 w/ Lingo, EKOS arm, Arkiv cart

I've already determined the onboard phono stage on the MA6100 is not going to cut it for this low voltage MC cart; so, what would be a good phono preamp to handle this type of situation? Is a step up headamp or transformer an option also? Or rather, what features should I look for in a phono preamp to make this set up most efficient?

The big question is:whether the perspective cartridges prefer to be loaded with a transformer or are they best served by a high-gain phono stage.
a nice feature which not all phono preamps have is a mono switch. Not a killer if not there, but if comparing two or more and everything more or less is even it could be a tie breaker
You should be able to get either a SUT like one from K&K or a head amp like the Piccolo from Hag Tech and use the onboard phono in the integrated amp. I'd talk to both of the vendors about your amp, cart and how their products could solve your problem.
The Aqvox 2CI will handle cartridges down to ,1mV in its' balanced operation.MSRP:$1795.