Phono preamp or cartridge - which to upgrae first


I am currently considering upgrading my analog system and would appreciat your advice on what my next move should be.

My front-end system currently consists of
Galibier Gavia, Triplanar arm and Dyna 17D3 cartridge which runs through a Modwright 9.0 SWLP preamp w. phono stage. Music is mainly rock, jazz, blues - very little classical music.
I am quite happy with my set-up but am interested to improve it to get more detail and spatial information as well as maybe a tad warmer, more emotionally involving sound (I believe the Modwright can sound a bit solid-statish at times). I like dynamic, transparent sound with good wxtension to both frequency extremes, but not strident; tonally neutral but if necessary erring a bit to the warm side than analytical.

Initally I was thinking of getting a better cartridge but am hesitatant because I am not sure how much of its qualities I will be able to hear through the Modwright. Maybe it is a better idea to get a really good phonostage first as a system anchor? If so, my preference would be to combine phonostage and preamp into one box (maybe with seperate power supply) rather than seperate components to save money and space (such as a Coincident phonostage?).

Any advice on how to proceed and specific suggestions is greaty welcome.


Showing 2 responses by sounds_real_audio

Went to a seminar at the RMAF. Roy Gregory on optimizing your cartridge Look for the video to come out on The Audio Beat..All things you can do without and devices or software. Very very cool. In addition he was using a VPI table and arm set up. I was surprised that he was using SoundSmith MM cartridge that he said sells for about 1K. I thought is sounded very good and fuller then a lot of MC cartridges that I heard.
If you are looking to upgrade your phono stage check out the Zesto Audio Andros. I liked it very much. Very much. To upgrade your cartridge the Transfiguration would be a great step up.