phono preamp

Hi, I'm thinking about getting into analog until the cd format becomes more clear. I own Dahlquist speakers (20I's) and Legend Audio triode amps. I don't have a pre-amp and I'm not sure I will get one. I would like to know if there are any phono pre-amps with a volume control for under $1000 that sound good? I know there is the EAR, but know of no other. How does the EAR sound? Also, can I use a regular interconnect from amps to the phono stage and to the turntable, or is there a special cable that I use to the turntable? I'm thinking about a Rega 3 or 25 turntable, since I know nothing about turntables and I heard they are easy to set up. Any advise would be appreciated. Thanks

Showing 2 responses by ncarv

Antique Sounds makes terrific tube phono preamps at very reasonable prices. The sonics far exceed what you would expect at the price. I have a PP-1, which cost around $500, but I don't think it is made anymore. I also have a Croft Vitale tube pre, which has line and phono stage, and the sound is excellent. It retails for $1000, having come down from $1500 at the beginning of the year.
As for the cable from the TT, you'll probably use a Rega tonearm, even if you don't get a Rega TT, and they come hardwired with RCA's, so you won't need an extra cable to the pre.
I just got back into analog and considered the Rega TT, but settled on a VPI HW-19 jr. with a Rega RB300 tonearm. I added Expressimo Audio mods, including rewiring the tonearm, and it is a winner. I'll be selling it only because I got a great deal on a Linn.