Phono pre/Preamp/Amp/Monoblock combination that provide SPEED & CONTROL

Hi all

I'm Kevin and I would like to ask you guys for a combination of phono preamp, preamp and monoblock that would provide speed, bass authority & punch to the music.


I just started this audio path about 5 years ago, I listened mainly to HipHop (sorry not sorry), and rock, funk, soul, and sometimes jazz too, not much so in classical, vocals, laid back, chill type of music, hence the speed and control of the music is the most important factor to me. 

Here is my current setup:

Soure: vintage Thornes TD125 Long Base with Audio Technica VM760SLC MM Cart. 

Rega Fono Mini A2D phono preamp

Rouge Audio Cronos Magnum Integrated Amp 1st generation

Bel Canto REF1000M Monoblocks

Joseph Audio Pearl speakers 1st generation 


I have made 2 mistakes before:

1. I used to have the EAR 834P MM/MC phonostage on tube, which is very slow and laid back that I switch to the Rega and found it suite me much better. 

2. I added 2 Bel Canto REF1000M Monoblock and they slow down the speed & less power on the music as well. However, the details & the soundstage that these Monoblock brought to the systems is immense & beautiful hence I kept that in the system chain


I would like to upgrade my systems provide a faster speed, more control but retain the huge soundstage like the Bel Canto monoblocks. 

1. Replace the Cronos Magnum Integrated with a preamp

2. Replace the Rega Fono to a better phonostage, preferably with MC for future upgrades. 

3. Replace the Bel Canto monoblocks


I know this could take me a while to finish these upgrades, however I would like to know what should I be looking for? Brand names, models, etc? I am in Singapore and it is not easy to get new equipment that provide audition, most of the time I will be looking at local marketplace and buy used equipment, which I much prefer but most of the case I will be unable to audition them. 

One of the audio dealer I know told me to go for Naim if I want the speed, for phonostage I can go with Avid, is that true?


I am very grateful to have your opinion on this, thank you guys all very much in advance. 

Thank you



Not my cup of tea, but given your interest i would look at all MacIntosh… as much power as you can afford with B&W speakers… then throw in a couple REL subwoofers and see if that doesn’t do the trick. Go listen at a dealer.


I understand your frustration. In general, high end equipment is designed for very fast and articulate reproduction of really small nuances in music. It reduces fat wide based bass lines into a specific location and as result you loss some of the wall of sound characteristic. Listen to a set of B&W 800 with massive Mac amplification. I am sure you can’t afford it… but that will show you if that is the right direction.