Phono Pre Gain

I'm considering purchasing a Audio Technica AT-ART9XA for a 1210g. I have a Sutherland 2020 pre that only put out 64db of gain. I've read that the AT requires at least 66db of gain. Anyone have any experience with this? Will the 64db be enough? I'm also considering an Ortofon Cadenze Bronze, but the price point of the AT is very appealing.


Showing 1 response by hdm

KAB calculator actually shows 64 db to be dead on ideal for that cartridge and it has always been a pretty good benchmark for me in the past. Most cartridges also have higher output than spec'd in real life. 


I'd bet that 64 might sound better than 66 (my preference is slightly less gain than necessary as opposed to slightly more if you can't get it dead on). 


I'd say go for it as well.