Phono Pre Advice

I'm in the market for a new phono stage $2,500-$3,500 (or so)
VPI Classic 1, Ortofon Quintet Blue, JPS Labs cables
Current phono pre: Channel Islands PEQ-1 MKII/AC15 MKII power supply. Is is a little "lean" relatively low noise but lacking weight and dynamics

In contention are:
Modwright PH-9 + power supply
Goldnote PH10 + power supply
PS Audio Stellar Phono (when released in September) no option for external power supply
*also love the look of the Thorens tep 302! Anyone heard it?

Thank you for any and all thoughts on those listed or others not on my radar, lots of amazing experience here!!


Showing 2 responses by simao

You can turn the OLED display off on the Gold Note.

And the NuVista is quite good, too.
I have the Gold Note and am comparing it with my existing LFD LE. The Gold Note is tremendous and its myriad tuning options really help nail the sound you want and that your record demands. I find it's not as expansive as the LFD, though it does dig out upper level details better.

Have you also considered the Parasound JC3+? It's the under-$10K reference for many audio writers.