Phoenix area stores

I am going to be in the Phoenix area this saturday. Just wanted to know what are the best shops to check out.
Audio Nut up in Glendale. Not the ultimate hi-end store, but Bob always knows how to select good value gear [stuff that sounds great, but you won't have to take out a second mortgage]. He's also added some home theater gear recently.

AZ Hi-Fi in Tempe is impressive, but be sure to get directions from Dan, as his shop is really difficult to find on your own [west of ASU].
I enjoyed my visits to Esoteric Audio in Scottsdale when I lived there. 480-946-8128 4120 N. Marshall Way
Scottsdale, AZ 85251. Call first to get best directions and hours.

I also second the recommendation of Audionut in Glendale.

One is Northwest of Phoenix, one is just East, they're about 20 miles apart!
hello; I second the enjoy the weather comment,to me there is really no high end store left any more.sounds like music was at one time a supreme store for music,but like one person mentioned,dave is gone and so is slm,and as for the rest of them I lump them all in one basket,average.So if you golf enjoy the greens or just enjoy the sunshine,out.

"AZ Hi Fi in Tempe", hmmmm I think they sold AudioNote speakers. Boy that owner was one of the biggest jerks I've ever run across. No one in the store, just listened to what he had on the floor for about 20 minutes, told us how gracious he was to allow us to listen for free.
I agree with CDC completely on his poor experience with AZ Hifi in Tempe and the owner in particular... I was there a couple weeks back to audition some speakers while on vacation in Pheonix, and I got the worst experience I have ever encountered from a dealership/owner before... Very snooty, snobish attitude, not letting me listen to two of the speakers I requested. On one, he said I could listen to the Gallo 3.1s "anywhere" (maybe, but I came to hear them at *his* store), and the other, the Wilson Benesch speakers because "they will make you not want to listen to your speakers again." My speakers for reference (that I told him when he enquired) are Tyler Acoustics Linbrook Signature System floorstanders... Also, the guy said he was busy "assembling phonographs..." *So* sorry I took so much of his valuable time away (10-15 minutes). Makes you wonder if he really *wants* a sale?

I did hear some great sounding GMA Callistos that he "graciously" let me hear for a song or two... but after the nasty experience I had at Arizona HiFi, I would make sure I bought from *anyone* but that location. Maybe he was just having a bad day or something, but I found the experience to be highly memorable for all the wrong reasons... My Dad and Mother who also were with me (it was a family reunion vacation) felt the experience was even worse for them, so I guess I was not reading too much into the situation. Just plain BAD!
