Phillip Glass Fans

Hearing a radio program on NPR prompted a new interest in this composer....I am really captivated by his minimalistic style. Are there any fans out there who can recommend some recordings (CDs or LPs) I can start with? The only one I have so far is Glassworks, which consists of some of his compositions all performed on organ.
Well, that narrows it down! (LOL)
All good suggestions. In addition (just to confuse you) he did the music for a Jean Genet play, "The Screens," in collaboration with Foday Musa Suso. Absolutely terrific CD. I saw the two of them perform it a few years ago.
I also saw Glass with an ensemble perform with Robert Wilson doing a 3D film in the background -- very cool!
Thanks everyone for your informed suggestions! Audiotomb, you mention similarity to Steve Reich; in reading a bio of Glass, I understand that Steve Reich and John Adams are also key players in the minimalist music school (along, of course, with Terry Riley--the namesake for The Who's "Baba O'Riley"). Can you tell me anything about Reich or Adams?
I have all of the following and like them all.

Koyaanisqatsi (I also have the movie DVD)
Powaqqatsi (I have the movie DVD for this too)
The Photographer (on Vinyl)
Songs From Liquid Days (On Vinyl- Great!)