Philips tells industry: "Don't Mess with the CD "

See the attached Sterophile link. Phillips which holds the patents to "Redbook" standard CD technology is saying that new CDs that have copyguard and playback restriction technology are not up to Redbook standards, so cannot not be called Compact Discs and should be labeled accordingly with warnings, etc. Very interesting.

Showing 1 response by aroc

We're just fortunate that philips HAPPENS to be on our side in this matter. It's just a coincidence that their interests appear to somewhat coinside with our own (playback restricted CDs = suck). Though things could change in the future...

Also, FYI - Philips own MARANTZ, too. So I guess in a round-a-bout way, you could buy Marantz stuff and support Philips. Just another option.

(disclaimer: I do not work for Philips, nor Marantz. nor do I own stock. Nor does anyone in my family, nor any friends. My city does not collect tax revenue from Philips or Marantz, nor any competetors. Now.. I DO OWN a Marantz CD player and a Marantz learning remote control. Both of which, I AM A SATISFIED owner. /end standard disclaimer...)