Philips CDM3 Transport

I have a Krell MD 10 wich uses the Philips CDM3 transport. I need to replace the laser. I can not seem to locate the parts I need. Can anyone direct me to a shop or technician who can help. Does anyone know of other products that use the CDM3 such as computer drives, cd players, automobile cd players. Thanks.
In the Micromega product: Trio CD.2 (Mk1)they uses a Philips CDM3 mechanism, part Nr: 063798 all in metal.
Maybe they have the parts you need.
I first went to Krell. I was told the unit was worthless. Thay say no parts are availible. Thanks for your response.
One thing you might want to keep in mind: some of the Philips laser assemblies that Krell uses are not just off-the-shelf units; they modify them so you may not be able to simply drop a CDM3 mechanism into your MD-10. Although I'm not sure if this is the case with the MD-10, I know this is true with the KPS-20i. Just curious; did you try getting the mechanism through Krell?