Philips 212 Tone Arm issue

I inherited a Philips 212 Electronic record player which is in great shape and really clean (and had been in storage for quite a while). After using it for a few weeks, the pulley motor started dying. I got what I believe is an OEM used motor off ebay and installed it with some simple twist wire caps. That fixed the motor issue, but since then the tone arm will no longer track all the way to the end / interior of the record. Regardless of the anti-skate the tone arm stops about 80% of the way to the "middle" causing the record to continually skip at the point.

Not sure if this could be related to the motor, or if it's from repeatedly flipping the table upside down in the process of troubleshooting and replacing the motor. Any ideas?

The bulbs don't cause 'spikes' in the speakers.

The bulbs you got from Amazon draw 10x the current so the circuit doesn't work right. This bulb is much closer:
They can also be replaced by LEDs:
Thank you gentleman - I really appreciate the quick response here. I haven't had much time lately to revisit this. Through a recent attempt I actually made it worse, which was the perfect confirmation needed to confirm your suspicion. There was a cable binding the physical movement of the tone arm, which was one of the cables I had altered to install the new motor. I bound and tied those down better, and we seem to be back in business! (*knock on wood)

Another question - I do think I have a short or grounding issue as very minor bumps to the player or entertainment center holding it give quick feedback "spikes" through the speaker (even if a record isn't playing). I suspect it may be because 2 of the bulbs are out. Any idea where I can get new bulbs for the 45/Stop/33 buttons?

I searched online before and tried some from Amazon but they did not work (though they were the right size).

Thanks again
Checking the arm wiring is a good suggestion. If its binding from the 'table being flipped over that could easily do it.

Check to see if it is hanging up on the tonearm "lift", which I recall is curved/scooped.

If not then check the wiring leading into the base of the tonearm.

I can't remember if the 212 has a motor stop sensor (the 312 has a motor stop and/or stop-lift sensor).
