Phil Spector, dead

Just heard that Phil Spector has died.
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Showing 2 responses by bdp24

For an example of the power Spector could create in the studio (especially at Gold Star), give a listen to Darlene Love's "Christmas (Baby Please Come Home)" on the A Christmas Gift For You album on Philles Records (PHLP 4005). The Wagner of Pop music!
Spector had been pulling guns on people for decades (he shot off a round in the studio while producing Lennon's Rock & Roll album, a real piece of trash), and locking people in his Castle, refusing to let them out (including The Ramones). A lot of people let him get away with it for a long time, looking the other way because of his legendary status in the music biz. Happens in film and politics too. In fact, with celebrity in general. Celebrity is now the gauge of wealth in the U.S.A., if not the entire world.