Phase Inversion in Preamplifer?

I just bought a used Audible Illusions 2D here on a'gon. This will be my first venture into separates. I've learned that AI preamps have inverted phase, so it's recommended that I switch +/- polarities at the speaker-amp hook-up. OK. But according to AI literature the phono stage of the preamp is NOT inverted, only the output stage is. So, since I listen to both vinyl and CDs, what do I do? Should I reverse speaker wire polarity or not?

Incidentally, the amp I'll be using is an ATI 1502 -- still haven't been able to find out if it inverts polarity or not. But based on my (limited) research thus far it appears that phase inversion is a design of preamplifiers more than power amplifiers. Is that right?


Showing 1 response by autio

I just wanted to be sure that when you made the statement
" voice phase tests swapping the speaker leads made no difference to my ears. However, swapping IC leads did"

That you understand that swaping speaker cables chage polarity in each individual channel, while swapping Interconnects just swaps channels r l