Phantom B44 overhang concern

Enclose a picture of my cartridge on a B44 arm.

Notice where the position of the cart is.
I aligned it using the mint protractor.
the sound is quite good.
What happens if I move the cart more forward ?
I know the overhang changes. Granting i aligned it with the two null points. Would there be some negative effects ?
I consulted some people on this regard. Some feel, the overhang is not that important provided the cart is aligned ?
thanks for the guidance.

Showing 1 response by tobes

When I align my Ortofon A90 in the Phantom with the mint - or the Graham protractor - it ends up in a very similar position to your Shelter. Same with the Ortofon Jubilee.
The Denon 103R on the other hand is positioned mid-way in the headshell slots. I'd say the Denon conforms to the standard 'mount to stylus tip' distance - the Ortofon and Shelter do not.
Of course this is why slotted headshell mounting is provided by tonearm manufacturers (except SME who ignore this) - so you can maintain the correct 'pivot to stylus' distance with cartridges of varying 'mount to stylus tip' measurements.