Peter Lederman in Second Bout With COVID-19

I saw on Facebook late last night that Mike Fremer told one of his Audio Friends that he heard from Peter Lederman of Soundsmith that he is suffering his second round with COVID.  Peter said he has blood clots on his lungs. That is all the post said.  Here is hoping that Peter pulls through with a full recovery. 

Showing 18 responses by millercarbon

He is so popular they had to use razor wire and troops to protect him from his fans. So many people voted for him that in one county in Arizona alone he got 74k more votes mailed in than were mailed out. The election was so open and honest more and more states are doing audits to show the world how fair and honest it was.
Again, the amino acid sequence CGG-CGG occurs nowhere in nature. It is however used in gain of function research. And it is found in the CCP virus.

Furin cleavage sites on the CCP virus enable it to enter human cells. This virus, which fake news tells us came from a bat, has amino acid sequences found in no bat virus, and it has a greater affinity for human cells than bat. 

The nonsense we have been fed, that many of you so strangely want to believe, is demonstrably false.

Does anyone even know what I'm talking about? Cytosine? Anyone? Beuller?
The following link contains numerous charts, compiled from the official health records of each country. In each case they show an INCREASE in COVID with increased vaccinations. 

The report is long because it tries to refute all the criticisms. Weather for example affects viral spread. So comparisons are made between geographically adjacent countries, and so on. The evidence is frighteningly clear. Read it and THINK!
Actually no, they make it very hard to find this information. The manipulation of search engines, the silencing and cancel culture. ZeroHedge was canceled from Facebook for breaking the lab origin that is now going mainstream. 

I just showed the CDC has changed definitions to fit their narrative. That is a fact. Your comeback is insults and innuendo. Why if you are so right is it so hard then to make your case without ignoring the points raised? Why is it all insults all the time?
One reason, they change the definition to get the results they want:

This is not impartial. This is not science. This is rigged.

The crux of it is anyone at this point still daft enough to keep drinking the cool-aid will never consider anything but the party line. The fact is official government stats from 14+ countries show the opposite- deaths increasing not decreasing with vaccinations. 
jallon- Where else in nature do we find the amino acid sequence CGG-CGG? Where else but gain of function labs? 
In the present case, even when the patient dies we are told endlessly that it is worth it. To the point people like antinn absorb this without even thinking. He mostly throws insults, not arguments. But to the extent he does try and make one, it is strangely not supportive of this vaccine but is in fact supporting questioning the use of vaccines in general. He just does not appear to realize that is what he has done.  

The present "vaccines" are not even vaccines. Certainly not the mRNA versions. mRNA is messenger RNA. As such they do not trigger an immune response but instead must go into the cell, into the nucleus, and activate DNA. They are more genetic engineering than vaccines.

In 40 years we have not been able to develop a single vaccine for HIV. Now in 9 months we somehow supposedly managed to invent SIX vaccines for this virus? Where do we miseducate people to believe such nonsense? Forget everything else. This simply does not pass the smell test. It does however smell exactly like what would happen if the worlds largest pharmaceutical corporations were each doled a slice of the trillion dollar pie. Then it is very easy to understand how suddenly all six managed to come to market with the same approvals at the same time.

The only question is how dumb do you have to be to believe this is anything to do with health care or science?

Oh by the way, in case I haven't mentioned yet, the amino acid sequence CGG-CGG occurs nowhere in nature. It is however used in gain of function research. And it is in COVID19.
antinn, you seem to have missed one very important detail: the vaccines are uncomfortably effective at putting people INTO hospital! Don’t forget I work in health care. Second largest hospital chain in the US. When they rolled out their big vaccine push one corporate email gushed about how few people had to be hospitalized after being vaccinated!

Yes they actually consider it a bragging right that the vaccine doesn’t kill everyone! They even listed the numbers. Apparently thinking no one with a brain would do the math. So here it is: 1% serious enough we make you hang around for observation. Does that sound like any vaccine you ever got?

The kicker is, and I still can’t believe they listed this, the number of people who required admission into the ICU! The freaking ICU!

What horribly propagandized crap do you have to be watching to think any of these vaccines are safe, let alone effective????! RUNuts?!?!

Get a freaking clue!!! 

It is not hard to find this information. If you are the least bit curious, I mean. Also even a little intelligence can see the deaths are almost entirely aged, with the risk below 40 near zero- yet the vaccines are being pushed hardest on those least at risk. Which is also where the vaccine side effects are worse. 

Believe what you will lewm, you are terrific at that. Not so terrific at figuring things out.  

Even if the risk is miniscule, why take even a little risk for a vaccine that doesn't even work?

Easy for you to feel smug parroting the party line. I personally see with my own eyes how this affects people. Easily the greatest mass delusion in history. You can be a part of the delusion, or a part of the solution. Your call. 
Right. The rate of thrombosis is greatly increased, period. Altitude has nothing to do with it.
the problem IS the system. And they know it all too well.

Yes the problem IS the system. But I am not so sure that they know it. The entire population seems to be under the delusion that we no longer need to think for ourselves, and indeed that it is questionable to do so, and that we must simply do whatever we are told to do.

One example, I can give dozens but just one, a guy walks in with a dislocated shoulder. You can see from across the lobby it is dislocated. The patient says, "I dislocated my shoulder." Not the first time either. It is a freaking dislocated shoulder, okay? He needs to go to the ER. He even knows this, was just hoping to save some time, pain and agony, and money. He is a working man still thinking for himself still assuming the system is comprised of thinking individuals. Like, you know, it used to be.

Fortunately I am up front and say yeah you need to go to the ER. Because the other one who is supposed to be there is trained to check him in, waste his time, and then an hour later a doc will tell him we can’t do that you need the ER. This is corporate policy.

When I lay this out for one of our "providers" (which is the term they use to obfuscate the fact you are not seeing an actual MD) and ask if she thinks this sounds like good health care, she looks at me like I’m from Mars. "What is this "think" he is talking about? I don’t know this word, "think". It sounds vaguely disturbing."

Its not like the US is the worst either. In Canada they get "free" health care that everyone pays massive taxes for. They have last time I looked about 1/4 the CT machines per capita as here in the US. I personally have seen patients come in with a broken hip, x-rayed their hip in the AM, and been in the OR the same day with the same patient getting it pinned. Personally witnessed broken hips being operated on the same day. In Canada the wait can be days, weeks, months. Where I am fairly close to the border we got Canadian patients in all the time paying for stuff they couldn't get done back home without waiting forever, and ever. In the UK when the ER wait times got into more hours than they wanted the simply refused to let ambulances bring patients in. So they wait in the parking lot instead of the ER. I could go on and on with examples.

I could tell you all what is wrong but nobody understands markets, economics, and everyone is mentally MF’d into arguing all the narrative talking points plus of course the aforementioned inability to think at all any more.

So all I will do is reiterate to never set foot in a hospital unless you absolutely must, and then beat tracks out of there as fast as you can, all the while telling yourself the whole time the doctor is talking, "This guy is lying, he is lying, lying, lying to me. Oh God there he goes again lying. Liar liar healthcare’s on fire."
No, actually 0.18% is about the correct mortality rate. Died with is not the same as died of.
Blah blah blah yada yada whatever. FUDD: Fear Uncertainty Doubt Derision. Funny how the FUDD always no matter what winds up serving the interests of a large and callous government over the individual.

@bkeske, medical issues have a habit of getting twisted around even in the first person. Sometimes it is the doctors fault. They will frequently give a very shorthand explanation of what is going on and get miss understood. I usually do not get the full story until I get the notes from the hospital. Even then sometimes I remain confused.

Hospital care has taken a dive since the recruitment of hospitalists. The job of a hospitalist is to make money for the corporation. In metropolitan areas primary care physicians got locked out of hospitals.

The way they did it was in order to get inpatient privileges you had to have at least 20 inpatient cases a year. Very few of us have that many inpatient cases on a yearly basis. Many primary care physicians are happy with this as hospitals can be a PITA.You make more money with less work staying in your office.

The loser is as always the Patient. Medicine has become industrialized and impersonal. It's job is making money and not getting sued. Having been personally involved with "the best" hospitals in Boston on multiple occasions recently. I have had surgery 5 times in the last 2 years and each one was followed by complications, one a serious and iatrogenic osteomyelitis of my left clavicle which required 6 weeks of IV antibiotics and a bone graft from my right hip followed by an ilioinguinal neuropathy and a huge hematoma. I have fully recovered but am left with two steel plates and sixteen screws in my shoulder.

Yikes! So you have seen up close and personal what I have been talking about for some time now. I was there too last year and saw it myself.

Even after I got out and recovered and had enough energy to go back and try and let them know what happened, my "Patient Advocate" turned out to be a total corporate lackey, they flat out lied about things I know happened and it developed into a situation where I had to either give up or try and push a major federal case. Got a good life ahead of me, not about to devote it to trying to fix our broken health care system!  

It is well and truly broken. So broken that when I hear Peter is in hospital my first thought is not gee I hope whatever he has doesn't kill him, it's gee I hope "health care" doesn't kill him! I remember as a little kid the general attitude among people my parents age was oh no the hospital, is where people go to die! Medicine then made tremendous progress, thanks to science, only to swing back to the dark ages, thanks to financialization. 

The sooner he can get out of there the better. Godspeed.

Peter Ledermann is a living example of the old art of craftsmanship. Skills that were passed down father to son, or to apprentices, we may now lose altogether if we lose Peter. Let's hope he pulls through- and recovers and gets busy training others to carry on with the craft.