Personal speaker evolution

OK, so here is a thread I haven't ever seen here: What speakers have you owned? starting with the earliest, price paid, new/used, and perhaps the models that really impressed you (for the price) in CAPS.

Rat Shack Something or others, $120, new
Fisher Something or others, $280, new
ADS L710's, $550, new
Snell A2i's, $1100, used
BEVERIDGE SYSTEM 3'S, $1000, used
Martin Logan CLS, $1400, used
MARTIN LOGAN SL3'S, $2300, used

Showing 1 response by velo62

Altec Model 5...600 new (sold)
Mcintosh XRT18's...5000 new (sold)...main sys
Magnepan 3.6's....3000 Used (sold)...main sys
Magnepan MG12's...795 used (sold)..bedroom set
Magnepan SMG...295 used (sold)...bedroom set
Magnepan MMG's...550 new (sold)...bedroom set
Klipsch Heresy...600 used (sold)...bedroom set
Klipsch Cornwalls...850 used.....current pair, secondary sys
Klipsch Forte II...450 used....current pair, secondary sys
Mcintosh XRT22's....$4500.00 used...current pair, main system and never going anywhere!