Personal speaker evolution

OK, so here is a thread I haven't ever seen here: What speakers have you owned? starting with the earliest, price paid, new/used, and perhaps the models that really impressed you (for the price) in CAPS.

Rat Shack Something or others, $120, new
Fisher Something or others, $280, new
ADS L710's, $550, new
Snell A2i's, $1100, used
BEVERIDGE SYSTEM 3'S, $1000, used
Martin Logan CLS, $1400, used
MARTIN LOGAN SL3'S, $2300, used

Showing 3 responses by mechans

Realistic or something akin and Kloss headphones. Then I finally bought my own at the ripe age of 16 Klipsch Heresy 1s for $550 . I still have them!!! Inherited my father JBL siugnatuyre 1959 030 speaker package in a C38 cabinet that's a D130 broad range and an 075 tweeter.Still own.that was all until I emerged from the bowels of my focused studying . My nerxt speaker was a bwarfdale my sister gave me . I hooked them all up in paralell. The my amp died after 20years I forgave it lost or threw out my table but have my Akai GXC-709D and my Nikko Gamma tuner is right next to me. The speakers changed to include the highboy version of the JBL sigs 1962s stillhave them at long last about 5 years a got a to VSA VR2s in maple because wife said so and it had to be maple.2 years later I got klipsch lascalas for my dedicated listening area. Then a year or so later JM Lab Electra 936s. thoseare mymain rig speakers to date. I have bought a number of monitors in the past couple of years Tannoy Gold dual concentrics, Merlin TSMs given Scott s1-11s,no idea what they sound like. Won AAD e-40s as a doorprize.Still in box two self powered tube by bizzy bee TAD 102s el 84 amps. Tong-yet a little speaker with a small SS 20 watts ampslaped on them. Yes I still Have em all. Interested parties regarding the specific sound should e-mail.
My post of 5 years ago is a mess. I had a Lafayette all in one stereo system as a pre-teen. Then Klipsch Heresy's at 16 and C38 JBL Signatures with the 030 driver array and Wharfdale somethings in the 80s and 90s then Von Schieckert VR 2s in 2003, then more JBLs C36 030 drivers (2002), then Klipsch Lascalas (2004), Then MY main rig speakers which are JM Lab Electra 936s in 2005, several monitors for secondary systems including NHTs, Merlins, Tannoys and now presently using Hyperion 585s while in exile 2010 to date. Still a mess but a better description of my speaker evolution.
I agree with the underwear approach but keep a lot of what I like. I guess I should dump some of my gear post divorce. I am using bookshelf Hyperion 585s which are only a stop gap, due to living in am an apt. I listen to my Sennheiser HD 700s more frequently. Will sell the Beyers and ATHs soon. Soon to me is timed by glacial movement.