Personal amp evolution

Seeing the over night success of the speaker evolution thread, it may be interesting to see what type of amp(s) we have all run. Same deal as the other thread-we will sort of create a puzzle of our systems you'll have to visit multiple threads to put everything together!!! ;)
For me I started:
Adcom GFA-565 monoblocks
Rotel RB-990bx
Jeff Rowland Design Group Model 5
Balanced Audio Technology(BAT) VK-60

either a CAT JL2, BAT VK-75se or Tenor 75Wp on the horizon.

Showing 2 responses by gpdavis1

Started with a Yamaha CR-820 receiver in 1976. Excellent product.
Next was a pair of Bryston 2B-LP amps running in bridged mode for each channel. Terrific sound. Still about as good as I've heard.
Then have gone all over the map.
A McIntosh MC-300, then an MC-275 followed by a pair of VTL 200 monoblocs (all the tubes I would ever need) and then on to an MC-162 followed by an MC-500. The MC-500 is one of my favorite amps. Very big balls and microdynamics to die for. Had everything. Very sensitive to the correct preamp though (and McIntosh has never made a good one). Tried a Sony TAN77ES (very nice) and am now hooked on MOSFETs. Best of tubes and solid state. Downsized two years ago to move into a condo at the shore. Bought another Sony, though this time it was their largest MOSFET integrated amp, the TA-F808ES. Runs class A up to 25 wpc and then AB to 100. Wonderful sound. Am now thinking about bi-amping with an Aleph 30 for the top end. Any thoughts out there? BTW, I enjoy Stereophile. Has lots of info as long as you pay little or no attention to their BS. could do without Art Dudley, the putz supreme.
This is going to be fun - a real memory test for us 'old' guys.

1962 - Magnavox console stereo. Chuck Berry, etc.
1964 - Magnavox portable (not really) stereo with removeable speakers that were hinged to swing out or be lifted off and placed where wanted. Rock & roll just started.
1971 - Zenith mini-stereo. Poor Navy man.
1976 - Harmon-Kardon receiver. First 'real' system when back in college. Original inverted dome tweeters.
1978 - Yamaha CR-820 receiver.
1980 - Pair of McIntosh MC-60 amps (do I wish I still owned - you bet)
1985 - Pair of Bryston 2B-LP running in bridged mode - what a great sound!! Kept for almost 12 years they were so good.
1996 - McIntosh MC-300. Nice sound, but Mac makes terrible preamps.
1996 - VTL 150 mono-blocks. Worst amps I have ever owned!! Pieces of junk and sounded like it. Kept for about two weeks.
1996 - McIntosh MC-275 reissue - end of tubes for me.
1997 - McIntosh MC-500 wonderfully powerful and sweet sounding amp. My third favorite after MOSFET & 2B-LPs.
1999 - Sony TA-F808ES MOSFET class A integrated amp. My introduction to that wonderful MOSFET sound.
2003 - Sony TA-N90ES MOSFET power amp. As good as the TA-F808ES was I wanted to try the same thing in balanced mode. The best, to-date.