Persona 9h vs S3 mk 2

These speakers are roughly in the same ballpark of price and going for a detailed sound. Anyone compare them ?

Showing 21 responses by nabcs

I have Persona 9H with a SET Amp (50W class A) and the sound is not "bright or brittle" and the bass is the best I ever had in my room...contolled and nice integrated, thanks to DSP.
I only listened Magico speakers in shows, but only with SS amps...sometimes nice, but no my cup of tea.
Like I said...only heard Magico at shows, usually the top of the line, M5 and Q3. But always never stayed to much time in rooms. Maybe the music, maybe the sound...i dont know, but never moved by the speakers.
Yes, mheinze ... your ears are much more sophisticated than mine or others who prefer other speakers.

Next time I will ask for someone who have "sophisticated" ears to choose my next equipment.

midrange, is typically the frequency range between 300Hz and 5,000Hz.

400 hz is the beginning of midrange...not "the middle".

DSP in 9H only corrects bass region (until 200 hz).
The main and only relevant fact (for me) is that I have the Persona 9H and I have extensively used the ARC software, and I can assure you that there is no correction above 200 hz !!

The software let me choose the maximum frequency to correct, i can choose between 15hz and less no more!

...and if it matters to you I can send a print screen of the correction graph.
It’s easy to conclude that @sciencecop never had a Persona in their listening room ... at best only heard them on shows.

I do not know how there are people who reach final conclusions based on auditions in audioshows, with equipment they do not even know.

I have heard several renowned speakers in my room...and in my room (with admittedly bass problems), the Personas were the best.

My dealer in Portugal have Avantgarde speakers and Shindo amplifiers...the combination is simply stunning...sad my wife will never allow a speakers like Avantgarde.
But for @sciencecop it will always be unacceptable a horn speaker to have a subwoofer with DSP room correction. 

Just to clarify, I’m from Portugal (Europe), and I simply do not know anyone from Audio Doctor.
Dave and Troy are simply defending the brands they distribute. I do not know of any distributors who speak negatively about their products. They know the equipment well and how to combine them ... is perfectly legitimate.

Paradigm is a brand with experience and reputation, with qualified engineers and I am astonished, as sometimes some geniuses appear and call into question a team of engineers just because they do not like the sound.
Arrogance again ... not even the basics of speaker design, the Paradigm engineers are capable of.

Why do not you send a CV to Paradigm? ... With your expertise and fantastic pedigree, I’m sure they will employ you.

But for me it's enough of this futile conversation ... listen to your brilliant Magicos and I will continue to listen to my poor engineered speakers with my deficient ears.
I have to give you credit!
You can be very tiring and boring with your absolute truths!
I have the speakers and listen everyday... While you, I am sure you never listened properly this speakers...then you´re the blessed one!
I drive my 9h with tube amps...I listened for hours without fatiguing.

But I listened with Luxman solid state amp with equal musicality.

and please...don´t ask anything about Paradigm speakers to sciencecop ... his response will always be to bash the speakers.

The Persona 9h have a huge advantage over other speakers like Wilson or Magico...any amp can drive them.

I am fortunate that my deal represent brands like Luxman, Accuphase, Gryphon, Shindo...and speakers like Rockport, Marten, TAD, Raidho, Avantgarde and Paradigm.

Its impressive the amps my dealer tried with the Personas, all with great results.

You want a more rich and warm sound, try a SET amp...I have a 50w SET Amp, but I listened in the dealer room a Luxman MQ300, 8w only, but OMG...what a great sound!

But tubes are not your thing?...try a small class A Accuphase A47...30w can make the Persona sing like no other speaker.

Believe is not necessary a huge and expensive amp to drive the Personas...I am sure the small integrated Pass INT-25 will be another great match.

Try this amps with Magico or Wilson speakers and will see how crap they will sound!

And the Persona can sound great in almost any room...the fantastic bass you heard is courtesy of the Anthem room correction.

My room have a huge peak at 40/50hz that make setup big speakers a nightmare...not so with Personas...Now I have a fantastic bass like I never had in my listening room.

If you can get them at a good discount, don’t miss the opportunity! least try them at home.
I’ve never heard any Bryston amplifiers, but all the comments I’ve read have left me with the impression that the sound is neutral but a bit on the cool side ... a bit like the Personas ... probably the sound will be transparent, dynamic and explosive, but maybe a little dry.

I have a brief audition with a powerful Gryphon Diablo 300 (but with the 7F). Although the sound was fantastic, in the end I preferred when the speakers were matched with less powerful amplifiers.
It also depends the preamp and source you have.

But maybe it´s me!...I have this obsession with small power amps, never liked big power amps, and I had a few in the past.

Yes, I compared several Raidhos (and other speakers) with the Personas.
The Raidhos need power...they sounded great in my dealer room with Gryphon, but not so well with other amps.
Probably they are a good match for your Bryston, because they sound on the warm side and need a neutral and muscular amp.

Sincerely, never thought about the danger of beryllium...But after a brief google search, I found several reports that there is no real danger...I think you can rest easy...and the Personas drivers are well protected. 

I can imagine any McIntosh amp sounding great with Personas...and the tube preamp will be the icing on the cake.
SimAudio Moon is from Canada...and Paradigm is also from Canada.
It is probably a combination often used...i don´t know, only heard Moon with B&W speakers at shows.

I think the new MOON 700i v2 integrated amplifier can be a fantastic machine.

If possible, ask your dealer to try at home.

I never heard the combination McIntosh/Paradigm, but McIntosh is known for a warm sound, and is a common combination used in shows.

But Moon amp probably is a very good match... Aron Garrecht from SoundstageUltra gave a rave review of Persona 7F using Moon amplification. In the end he bought the review pair.

You don´t have a chance to try a Luxman, Accuphase or Pass amp ?

It's almost 2:30 here in Portugal, and I just finished a 4-hour listening session. Are my ears bleeding? ... not even a little!

I listened to a variety of musical genres. Alternative rock (Fink, Shearwater), world music (Dead Can Dance), jazz (Mina Agossi, Cecile McLorin), classic (Berlioz), etc.
These speakers can play anything with ease.

 Now I go to bed with a smile on my face.