@lalitk Here is the Stereophile measurements. See if you can spot the giant gaping mid range cavernous hole in the off axis response from 1 to 4KHz? Notice the peak at 4 KHz where the tweeter kicks in? Notice the 7dB resonant one note boosted bass response (looks like Mt St Helens before the eruption). The mid range is far to big to be driven up to 4KHz - the driver is already beaming at 1KHz. This is awful speaker design or brilliant speaker design. Brilliant perhaps because it sells in a demo as this speaker permanently plays as though the bass and treble tone control were boosted on the preamp - so it wins in a shop floor demo as it always sounds more "hi-fi ish" to unwitting listeners looking to compare before buying speakers.
https://www.stereophile.com/content/bw-802d-loudspeaker-measurementsThere is BBC dip and there is mid range scoop and then there is B&W that take things to whole other level.
If Abbey Road uses these speakers then they must be endorsed or else they just like permanently big bass, recessed mids and boosted treble (although you can achieve that with neutral speakers with your tone controls).