Performance of $1000 DAC's

I have been researching DAC's lately and as with most things in audio it leaves one with frustration.

Recent comments I have read have me questioning if DAC's in the $1000 range are thin soundinging.

Has anyone compared $1000 DAC's to much more expensive DAC's and/or CDP's? I'd be curious of your results.

DAC's I have been reading about have mostly been, the Benchmark, Bel Canto DAC3 and the PS Audio Dig Link DAC III, with and without mods.

Any input on your DAC experiences would be most appreciated, BUT I would really prefer that posts include what you compared the DAC to, even if it is the DAC within your CDP that you are bypassing. Also, listing associated equipment would be greatly appreciated.

Showing 1 response by bbro

I just acquired a Modwright Sony NS 999ES with the Platinum Truth Mods, Signal Cable umbilical cord and NOS Mullard rectifier and Tung Sol 5881s, and it is just simply a truly amazing player. That being said, I still have my Bel Canto DAC 2 and Benchmark 1 DAC that I have directly compared to the Modwright 999es and while not completely its equal both are phenomenal for their price points and definitely in no way thin. Until I got the Modwright the above two DACs were by far the best digital I have had in my system.