Perfectwave mkii or Rose RS250?

Does it worth to go for a second hand Psaudio with the bridge in it or get the newer RS250? For my Pass Labs INT-25.

Maybe the D2 from Lumin?



Showing 1 response by walkenfan2013

If you really want a true picture of using hifi rose rs250 on a daily basis, go to hifi rose site and find link to community page. There are hundreds of pages of various bugs and device failures users are looking to correct. Moderator is knowledgeable, but she still answers lots of questions with polite “we are aware of that issue and we are trying to fix it” I could not believe how many users were unable to use unit in any capacity for certain days, then they would tackle and fix multiple problems. The hifi rose OS is really poor software. Looks like the unit OS is still in beta. After finding this I would stay away from the brand. Too expensive for such poor performance.