OP, too bad Emerald Physics speakers are not readily available to you, but maybe Reference 3A MM De Capos
Have you tried pulling your speakers well out from the front wall (behind the speakers) and sidewalls? Also look into Machina Dynamic isolation springs. These are magical, especially for tube gear. They are very light so, shipping shouldn't be a big deal. I have them under EVERYTHING
MillerCarbon: +1: Shocked to know that there are MAGAs in the great NW
And yes, those who hate DJT judge him ONLY by what their liberal media and FAR left party spew, instead of actually looking at his record (which BTW includes major efforts to bring down child trafficking, pedophilia, sex for movie roles, MS 13... and that’s just the tip of the iceberg!)
Just look at how Pelosi and Schummer have interjected garbage into YOUR stimulus package (why aren’t ALL liberals rioting in front of their offices and homes???). I HOPE this is the straw that finally breaks the Ostrich’s back (democratic voting block) as to how conned you’ve been.
Im not saying DJT is squeaky clean, but compared to the Dems he’s a freakin saint.
Also, don’t confuse me with being a Rtard either. I’ve been an Independent since John Andersen ran LONG before most of you were born: 1980
THESE 2 parties (at the top, which is above the president) are essentially 2 sides of the same dirty coin and have been almost since the start. See Romney, Lindsey Graham, John McCain, the Bushes...
Why was Abe Lincoln and JFK killed? Both wanted to return us to a gold back dollar instead the worthless fiat money the banksters created which is the Babylonian Debt system we have today. That should tell you something about whose been in charge and who we should be fighting instead of political crap. And guess who pays the governance off?
Eisenhower said in his parting speech "Beware of the military industrial complex!"
Brief history lesson over
Peace Out!
Have you tried pulling your speakers well out from the front wall (behind the speakers) and sidewalls? Also look into Machina Dynamic isolation springs. These are magical, especially for tube gear. They are very light so, shipping shouldn't be a big deal. I have them under EVERYTHING
MillerCarbon: +1: Shocked to know that there are MAGAs in the great NW
And yes, those who hate DJT judge him ONLY by what their liberal media and FAR left party spew, instead of actually looking at his record (which BTW includes major efforts to bring down child trafficking, pedophilia, sex for movie roles, MS 13... and that’s just the tip of the iceberg!)
Just look at how Pelosi and Schummer have interjected garbage into YOUR stimulus package (why aren’t ALL liberals rioting in front of their offices and homes???). I HOPE this is the straw that finally breaks the Ostrich’s back (democratic voting block) as to how conned you’ve been.
Im not saying DJT is squeaky clean, but compared to the Dems he’s a freakin saint.
Also, don’t confuse me with being a Rtard either. I’ve been an Independent since John Andersen ran LONG before most of you were born: 1980
THESE 2 parties (at the top, which is above the president) are essentially 2 sides of the same dirty coin and have been almost since the start. See Romney, Lindsey Graham, John McCain, the Bushes...
Why was Abe Lincoln and JFK killed? Both wanted to return us to a gold back dollar instead the worthless fiat money the banksters created which is the Babylonian Debt system we have today. That should tell you something about whose been in charge and who we should be fighting instead of political crap. And guess who pays the governance off?
Eisenhower said in his parting speech "Beware of the military industrial complex!"
Brief history lesson over
Peace Out!